Know the Right-of-Way: How to Approach Uncontrolled Intersections 

If you live in the city areas where there is an abundance of traffic, then you should be familiar with controlled intersections – where two or more roads meet by stop signs and traffic signals. At most intersections, signs and signals will assist pedestrians and motorists when they are safe to cross the road. However, in less populated rural and residential areas, intersections often lack signs and signals – uncontrolled intersections. When you come across uncontrolled intersections, the absence of signs and signals requires you to be extra attentive to pedestrians and your surroundings when you are traveling behind the wheel.  

Despite the lack of traffic signals and signs, when you come across an uncontrolled intersection, you are still required to obey the general driving rules, specifically, right-of-way rules to make sure you are driving safely. Knowing how to drive properly even without the presence of traffic signs is extremely important to prevent accidents and collisions. If you are wondering how to drive at uncontrolled intersections or what are the basic right-of-way rules in detail, then read on!  

In this reading, we will discuss how to prepare at uncontrolled intersections and explain the right-of-way rules in detail. 

How Should You Approach an Uncontrolled Intersection? 

When you come across an uncontrolled intersection, use these 5 rules to determine who should go first. Uncontrolled intersections are meant to help vehicles move in a predictable manner without having to stop at traffic signs and signals. However, it is always safe to yield or slow down when you are waiting for other drivers to cross the intersection. Follow the right-of-way rules and be familiar with them. Do not excuse yourself and violate safe driving because of the absence of traffic signs and signals.  

General Right-of-Way Rules 

The basic right-of-way rules determine which driver has the right-of-way to go first, especially when multiple drivers are at the intersection. The rules are simple. When you reach upon an uncontrolled intersection, be on the lookout for the road position or arrival of each driver. The general rule is determined by the sequence of arrivals at the intersection. In other words, whoever arrives at the intersection first, goes first.  

In a controlled intersection, you are required to yield the right-of-way to another vehicle or pedestrians by slowing down or stopping to let them pass. However, at an uncontrolled intersection, you are not necessarily required to stop, but you should always check for pedestrians nearby and slow down for everyone’s safety.  

Rule #1. Travel in the Order Vehicles Arrive 

The first vehicle at the intersection has the right-of-way to cross the intersection first.  

Rule #2: Right-of-Way to the Driver on your Right  

If two vehicles arrive at the intersection together, the driver on the right has the right-of-way. 

Rule #3: Yield to Oncoming Traffic When You Want to Turn Left 

Even if you arrived first, if you are making a left turn, yield and turn when traffic is clear. 

Rule #4: Let Pedestrians or On-going Traffic Pass Before You Go 

Yield to cross-traffic and pedestrians already at the intersection. 

Rule #5: Proceed If Both You and The Vehicle Turns Left.  

You are not required to yield for the other driver who is turning left before you turn. 

Exceptions: T-Intersections 

Some uncontrolled intersections form a T shape, known as a T-intersection or T-conjunction. They do not necessarily follow the general right-of-way rules. Remember that if you are coming into the intersection (from the vertical part into the horizontal part of the “T”), you must yield to the drivers already passing in the intersection. If you want to turn and come out of the intersection, you must also yield to the drivers passing in the intersection. 

More Safety Tips 

Regardless of what kind of uncontrolled intersections you are crossing, paying close attention to other drivers’ maneuvers at these uncontrolled intersections is necessary. You should never assume that another driver will yield or slow down. Watch their signals before you can determine their maneuvers. Some drivers may incorrectly make a turn or proceed because they think they have the right-of-way when they do not. To avoid accidents, watch out for others and be extremely careful at intersections.  

For your safety and the safety of others, make sure to do the following when you come across an uncontrolled intersection. 

  • Follow the right-of-way rules – yield right-of-way when it is the other driver’s turn to move.  
  • Drive with caution – yield or slow down, even if there is no clear traffic ahead, and proceed only when safe to do so. 
  • Watch out for nearby pedestrians and vehicles – scan your surroundings and check your blind spots to make sure that no speeding vehicles or pedestrians trying to cross the intersection.  
  • Only proceed when safe – never rush to observe your surroundings or accelerate your speed when you are driving at uncontrolled intersections. Always be on the lookout and think ahead to avoid accidents or collisions. 

Get familiar with your right-of-way rules to help ensure smoother traffic and protect and help reduce collisions or car accidents. Traveling on uncontrolled intersections can be tricky without traffic signs and signals to guide you where you are going. But every driver should have their own driver’s instinct to know what is safe to do when driving. Put on your driver’s hat and the next time you come across an uncontrolled intersection, for sure you will know how to approach it with precautions and safely! 

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