One-Way Streets: Everything You Need to Know

Whether you are preparing for your driver’s license or practicing for the road test, you will be likely come across one-way streets. One-way streets are common on the roads, and it is important for you to understand how they work to travel safely. One-way streets can be confusing to travel in, however, knowing how to pass them can help to avoid accidents and make your traveling experience easier. Read on to find out how to identify and travel safely on one-way streets.  

One-Way Streets: How to Identify Them? 

To identify a one-way street, look for white lane markings or parallel parked cars facing the same direction on the road. Alternatively, you can watch out for specific signs present near intersections that lead to a one-way street. Sometimes, on the opposite street ahead, there will be a “Do Not Enter” sign. This sign indicates that you should not approach in that direction because traffic flow is coming towards you from that direction instead. Other signs like one-way and no left or U-turns also indicate a one-way street. If you are traveling from a two-way street intersection into a one-way street, these signs are a major help to inform you of the road ahead. 

One-way streets are common in heavily congested downtown areas and popular tourist areas with heavy traffic. They are designed to help reduce pedestrian accidents, increase foot traffic capacity, and offer better parking for drivers. However, when traffic flows in one direction, it can also encourage higher speeds that can make drivers vulnerable to vehicular crashes and collisions. As a result, knowing how to safely travel on one-way streets is crucial.  

How to Travel on One-Way Streets 

You will likely come across a one-way street at intersections. While the rules may vary slightly from state to state, the general rules of turning from a one-way street are as follows: 

One-Way Street into a Two-Way Street: Turning Left 

  • From a one-way street, position yourself in the far-left lane.  
  • When the intersection is clear, turn safely to the right side of the two-way street.  
  • Make sure to turn on your turn signal when you are turning. 

One-Way Street into a One-Way Street: Turning Left  

  • From a one-way street, position yourself in the far-left lane.  
  • Pay attention to the direction of the traffic flow of the other one-way street.  
  • When the intersection is clear, turn safely in the direction of the traffic flow. 
  • When turning, watch out for pedestrians, bicyclists, or motorcyclists on your left. 

One-Way Street into a One-Way Street: Turning Right 

  • From a one-way street, position yourself in the far-right lane.  
  • Pay attention to the direction of the traffic flow of the other one-way street.  
  • When the intersection is clear, turn safely in the direction of the traffic flow.  
  • Watch out for signs and arrows that permit you to switch lanes, if necessary, on the one-way street. 
  • Stay alert for other drivers and pedestrians on the road. 

You will come across one-way streets on your road journeys. Know how they function and how to travel in them so that you can drive safely. Understanding different road signs is key to ensuring that traffic protocols are properly followed. If you are interested in more driving guides and tips, feel free to visit our website at

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