Approaching Emergency Vehicles: What Should You Do?  

As you are driving, there will be times when you come across emergency vehicles (ambulance, police car, etc.). According to the NY State’s Move Over Law, all drivers are required to slow down and move over, especially if an emergency vehicle is coming their way. The Move Over law should always be followed. And for beginner drivers on the road test, if you come across emergency vehicles, it is important that you stop, or else, 10 points on your road test or an automatic failure (depending on the state). We know it can be nerve-wracking for beginners to focus on their driving tasks while reacting to emergency vehicles during the road test. But we are here to help! We will break down the More Over law and show you the proper way to share the road with emergency vehicles in different situations. Read on to learn how to better prepare yourself the next time you come across emergency vehicles. 

How to Handle and Avoid Vehicle Accidents? 

Every day, almost 3,700 people are killed globally because of vehicle accidents. Unfortunately, vehicle accidents happen every day, ranging from minor to fatal injuries. Anyone driving on the road has the potential risk of getting themselves into an accident. For beginners, we have created this guide to help you learn about the common types of vehicle accidents and how to avoid putting yourself at risk. Read on to find out how to handle and avoid vehicle accidents so you can be better prepared on the road!

Tips to Safe Driving: Truck Drivers Edition

As an experienced truck driver or a beginner, knowing how to operate a large vehicle like a truck requires great attention and effort. Driving a truck can be difficult and tricky, requiring you to watch out for other pedestrians and vehicles that are many sizes smaller. Nonetheless, to become a qualified truck driver, knowing how to drive safely on the road is a must. According to National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), in 2020, approximately 5,000 people were killed in fatal crashes involving large trucks. The high casualties are a sign that drivers need to be more attentive and make wiser decisions. To prevent the worst, we will offer guidance to better prepare you for future truck journeys. We want everyone to have a safer experience on the road. Read on to find out how you can better do your part!  

Know the Right-of-Way: How to Approach Uncontrolled Intersections 

If you live in the city areas where there is an abundance of traffic, then you should be familiar with controlled intersections – where two or more roads meet by stop signs and traffic signals. At most intersections, signs and signals will assist pedestrians and motorists when they are safe to cross the road. However, in less populated rural and residential areas, intersections often lack signs and signals – uncontrolled intersections. When you come across uncontrolled intersections, the absence of signs and signals requires you to be extra attentive to pedestrians and your surroundings when you are traveling behind the wheel. Despite the lack of traffic signals and signs, when you come across an uncontrolled intersection, you are still required to obey the general driving rules, specifically, right-of-way rules to make sure you are driving safely. Knowing how to drive properly even without the presence of traffic signs is extremely important to prevent accidents and collisions. If you are wondering how to drive at uncontrolled intersections or what are the basic right-of-way rules in detail, then read on!

One-Way Streets: Everything You Need to Know

Whether you are preparing for your driver’s license or practicing for the road test, you will be likely come across one-way streets. One-way streets are common on the roads, and it is important for you to understand how they work to travel safely. One-way streets can be confusing to travel in, however, knowing how to pass them can help to avoid accidents and make your traveling experience easier. Read on to find out how to identify and travel safely on one-way streets.  

No-Zones: Never Drive in Truck Blind Spots  

Regardless of what vehicles you are driving, you should always check your blind spots – areas your mirrors are unable to show. Paying attention to blind spots is important to all drivers, especially large bus and truck drivers. Like other drivers, truck drivers are responsible for checking their blind spots to make sure they are not missing vehicles in their surroundings. But there are not many things a truck driver can look out on their own when they are seated in an elevated position with a large load behind them blocking their rearview. Truck drivers need your help!  

Engine Braking

Engine braking is the process of reducing speed by lifting your foot from the gas pedal and shifting down through gears. This works without not having to press on the brakes. When you take your foot off the accelerator, the throttle body valve closes, limiting airflow to the engine. When there is little to no air flowing to the cylinders, a vacuum is created, causing the energy to decrease and the wheels to slow.  Engine braking is usually in cars with a manual transmission although this can work with automatic cars.

The 9 Types of Motorcycles: Finding Your Right One 

You earned your motorcycle license and now you are ready to start your motorcycle journey. But wait, are you still looking for a motorcycle? There are several types of available motorcycles for you to choose from, each created for a different purpose and need. To help beginners like you look for the right motorcycle, we have created this guide to make things easier! Because there are many subcategories under each type or class of motorcycle. We will stick to the main types and give you a detailed overview of the basic types of motorcycles and their purposes and styles. 

Passing Other Vehicles: Do It The Right Way

When you are driving, there may be times when you want to pass another vehicle. While passing is not recommended, because of the high risk of putting yourself in an accident, if you must do it, then you should know how to do it safely. In 6 steps, we will teach you how to properly pass another vehicle when you are on the road. In addition, we will highlight some dos and don’ts that you should be aware of to ensure that you can safely pass other vehicles.  

13 Tips to Driving Safely: Motorcyclist Edition

When riding a motorcycle, it is always crucial to proceed with caution. While the high speed and the cool breeze make motorcycle riding fun and exciting, they are, nonetheless, a dangerous activity. According to iii (Insurance Information Institute), motorcycle crashes have resulted in over 5,000 deaths in 2019 and the numbers may be rising. For the many reasons why accidents happen, we want to offer you some tips to help you avoid future accidents. Motorcycles are fun to ride, but you must do it right to make sure that you can enjoy the fun and excitement. So, we are here to help! Follow our tips to get in the habit of driving safely. We want you to have fun, but we really want you to have fun safely. Read on and start practicing these tips as you continue your motorcycle journeys.