Know the Right-of-Way: How to Approach Uncontrolled Intersections 

If you live in the city areas where there is an abundance of traffic, then you should be familiar with controlled intersections – where two or more roads meet by stop signs and traffic signals. At most intersections, signs and signals will assist pedestrians and motorists when they are safe to cross the road. However, in less populated rural and residential areas, intersections often lack signs and signals – uncontrolled intersections. When you come across uncontrolled intersections, the absence of signs and signals requires you to be extra attentive to pedestrians and your surroundings when you are traveling behind the wheel. Despite the lack of traffic signals and signs, when you come across an uncontrolled intersection, you are still required to obey the general driving rules, specifically, right-of-way rules to make sure you are driving safely. Knowing how to drive properly even without the presence of traffic signs is extremely important to prevent accidents and collisions. If you are wondering how to drive at uncontrolled intersections or what are the basic right-of-way rules in detail, then read on!