Passing Other Vehicles: Do It The Right Way

When you are driving, there may be times when you want to pass another vehicle. While passing is not recommended, because of the high risk of putting yourself in an accident, if you must do it, then you should know how to do it safely. In 6 steps, we will teach you how to properly pass another vehicle when you are on the road. In addition, we will highlight some dos and don’ts that you should be aware of to ensure that you can safely pass other vehicles.  

6 Steps to Successfully Pass Another Vehicle  

  1. Observe the left side of the road to see if you can pass safely. 
  • The path should be clear and safe for you to pass. 
  1. Check your side and rear-view mirrors. Turn your head to check your blind spots as well.  
  • Are there any vehicles behind or ahead of you? Your maneuver should not impact other drivers. They should be a distance from you. 
  1. Turn on your left signal to warn other drivers of your intention to pass on the left.  
  • Make sure there is enough space for you to move to the left lane. 
  1. Accelerate and move to the left lane.  
  • Turn off your turn signal afterwards and make sure to travel within the speed limit. 
  1. Observe both headlights of the vehicle you just passed through your rear-view mirror.  
  • Make sure you can see both headlights before you move back to the original lane. 
  1. Signal and move back to the right lane.  
  • Turn off your turn signal after your maneuver.  

Do’s When You Are Passing 

When you are passing another vehicle, there are some important guidelines you should consider before making your decision to pass. 

  • You should always try to pass other vehicles on your left.  
  • Do not underestimate the time or the space you need to pass safely. Especially when traveling on highways, it only takes a few seconds to reach a great distance. If you are traveling on highways, maintain a 10-12 second gap (½ of a mile) between other vehicles before you pass them.  
  • As you travel, be on the lookout for oncoming vehicles, hazardous road conditions, hills and curves, intersections, school buses, and/or any other obstructions on the road.  

Exception: Passing on the Right 

The law requires you to pass other vehicles on your left. However, there are a few exceptions that allow you to pass other vehicles on the right. Keep in mind that the guidelines for passing a vehicle on the right side vary from state to state. But in general, when you come across one of the following scenarios, passing from the right is acceptable. 

  • You are traveling on a one-way street. 
  • The vehicle in front of you wants to make a left turn.  
  • You are on a two-way road wide enough for two or more lanes, and there are no signs in the area that indicate passing is prohibited. 

Don’ts When You Are Passing 

While you are allowed to pass other vehicles on the left, there are times when passing is prohibited. As you learn how to safely pass other vehicles, you should keep in mind when you are not allowed to pass other vehicles. For your safety and the safety of others, make sure to never pass other vehicles in cases where: 

  • You are unable to maintain a safe distance (3 feet) with other vehicles or bicyclists if you are passing.  
  • You are driving on a road with single or double solid lines. 
  • You come across signs that indicate ‘No Passing Zone’ or ‘Do Not Pass.’ 
  • You come across areas with an obstructed view ahead of you (e.g., A car in from of you is waiting for traffic or pedestrians to pass, your vision of the view ahead is blocked, etc.) 
  • You come across a school bus that flashes in red lights or stops to discharge (or load) children. 
  • By law, you are required to keep at least 20 feet (6m) from the school bus (even if you are on the opposite side of a divided highway) and decrease your speed and be prepared to stop.  
  • Passing a school bus is prohibited and you will be required to face consequences for your violation. Do not pass a school bus.  
  • You come near a railroad crossing or a driveway. 

Passing another vehicle can be tricky. If you do not find a necessary reason to pass another vehicle, do not do it. Like any other driving skill, passing requires your full attention. Follow all our steps and guidance and whenever you pass other vehicles, do so with care and do it safely. If you are interested in more driving tips and tricks, feel free to visit our website at  

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