How to Handle and Avoid Vehicle Accidents? 

Every day, almost 3,700 people are killed globally because of vehicle accidents. Unfortunately, vehicle accidents happen every day, ranging from minor to fatal injuries. Anyone driving on the road has the potential risk of getting themselves into an accident. For beginners, we have created this guide to help you learn about the common types of vehicle accidents and how to avoid putting yourself at risk. Read on to find out how to handle and avoid vehicle accidents so you can be better prepared on the road! 

Single Vehicle Accidents  

Single vehicle accidents result in the damage of a single vehicle. While most accidents are known to involve more than one party, in single vehicle accidents, only one party is damaged. Single vehicle accidents are quite common, especially for beginners. Accidents are not limited to hitting objects on the road, slipping on ice, moving out of control, driving off the road, etc. For beginners, mistakes like a wrong turn, oversteer, or wrong brake put them at risk of damaging their vehicle and crashing into other objects or vehicles.  

Here are some ways to prevent single vehicle accidents: 

  • Maintain under or at speed limit 

Driving under or at the speed limit gives you time to react and adjust your moves in case of an emergency. Traveling at a dangerous speed increases your chance of colliding and reacting to other vehicles in time. In addition, under bad weather conditions, driving at a higher speed means you have less control over your vehicle, putting you at risk of crashing into something. 

  • Drive with attention 

Whenever you are driving, you should always consider your risk, thinking about how to handle the situation. You do not want to drive recklessly. Stay alert and maintain good control of your vehicle to avoid common issues like hydroplaning or slipping off the road. 

Front Impact Collisions  

Front impact collisions occur when a vehicle hits another vehicle or something on the road that damages the front part of the vehicle. According to IIHS, 57% of car occupants died because of front impact collisions. Front-impact collisions are common, especially at intersections when drivers fail to obey the right-of-way when making a turn, drive too quickly, or overlook traffic signals.  

Here are some ways you can prevent front impact collisions: 

  • Maintain in your lane 

Features on modern vehicles alert drivers and signal them if they are not driving in their lane. Use the tools to aid you and look through your mirrors to make sure you are staying in your lane. This prevents you from driving in the wrong lane and making yourself vulnerable when your position conflicts with the maneuver of the other driver.  

  • Avoid distracted driving 

When you miss what is going on in front of you, you are likely to crash in the front. Sit in a comfortable position and keep your eyes on the road. You should not find time to use your phone, send a text message, or do any other activities that require your additional attention. You should never multitask when you are driving, because driving alone requires your full attention.   

Side Impact Collisions 

Side impact or T-bone collisions are also common at intersections when one vehicle crashes into another vehicle on its side. When drivers meet at intersections, the failure to watch out and wait before another makes their turn can result in side-impact collisions. When approaching an intersection, you should always watch out for other drivers and follow proper right-of-way rules.  

Here are additional tips on how to prevent side impact collisions: 

  • Watch Traffic Signals 

When you are coming into an intersection, always look out for traffic signs and signals. If you come across a green light switching to yellow, come to a stop and proceed when the light changes green. Do not try to speed up and make it through the yellow light. If the driver at the other intersection missed, you as they accelerate on their green light, you are at risk of a side impact collision.  

  • Check Your Blind spots 

After you signal your intention to turn as you approach an intersection, always turn your head and check your blind spots before you start to turn. It is important that you do not miss any cyclist or motorcyclist coming your way. Likewise, when you are passing other vehicles, check your surroundings to make sure other drivers do not change lanes unexpectedly. 

Rear Impact Collisions 

Rear impact collisions are one of the most common types of collisions that occur when one vehicle follows too closely behind another vehicle and crashes at their ends. Some drivers would drive at a high speed and stop very close behind another vehicle which can be a risky move. 

Here are some tips to help you prevent rear impact collisions: 

  • Maintain following distance 

Especially for beginners, it is good practice to maintain a long following distance between you and the vehicle ahead. This leaves room for the vehicle to make any necessary moves and for you to react. Increasing your following distance, especially under bad weather conditions, ensures every driver’s safety and should be followed.  

  • Drive attentively 

Not only does it apply here, but in any circumstances of driving, always remain attentive to your rear, sides, and fronts. Being distracted or careless of your surroundings increases your risk of rear impact collisions when you fail to notice the distance between the vehicle in front and behind you. You want to watch out for other drivers so you have a few seconds to react if they make sudden moves.  

Parking Lot Collisions 

Parking lot collisions occur when you are trying to exit or enter a parking space. While you should always maintain a low speed when moving in a parking area, it does not guarantee that you will not be at risk of a collision. If you fail to watch your blind spots for nearby vehicles or pedestrians, you are still vulnerable to encounter parking lot collisions. 

Here are some tips to help you out: 

  • Check your surroundings 

Before you enter your vehicle to exit the parking area, give a quick tour around your vehicle to ensure that nothing is there to prevent you from safely exiting the space. If your vehicle has a rear-view camera, you can use that to further observe your surroundings as you start backing up and exiting the space. Be sure to also check your mirrors and not rely on the technology tool as much because it does not guarantee an absolute view of your rearview, especially in the presence of bright sunlight and shadows. 

  • Proceed Slowly and Carefully 

Whether you are entering or exiting a parking space, make sure you are moving at a low speed. Always look out for pedestrians and other vehicles especially when you are reversing or backing up. You should never make sudden moves without signaling your intention, especially in parking spaces that may be crowded. 

Vehicle accidents are often unpredictable. The best way to prevent accidents is to stay alert and act with care. Follow our tips to help you combat accidents and avoid injuries. We want you to have a safe driving experience!  

If you are interested in more driving tips and tricks, visit our website at  

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