Parallel Parking: How to Park Safely in 5 Simple Steps


As you learn how to make your moves on the road, it is also essential to learn how to park safely when you take pauses on your road journeys. 

Parallel parking is a common technique of parking along the curb where you park in a space parallel to other parked vehicles. For beginners, parallel parking can be tricky. It requires you to know how to steer effectively and stay keen to moving objects around you.

But no worries because we are here to help! To understand how parallel parking works, we have prepared 5 simple steps to guide you in your parallel parking journey. 


In 5 simple steps, we will explain how parallel parking is done. In summary, the 5 steps are:

  1. Determine and Pull up in Parallel
  2. Reverse and Steer your Wheel Near the Curb
  3. Steer your Wheel Straight and Continue to Reverse
  4. Steer your Wheel Away from the Curb 
  5. Straighten and Adjust into Final Parking Position

#1: Determine and Pull up in Parallel

Identify a parking space that is large enough for your vehicle to fit. For beginners, having some extra space can come in handy. Look at your mirrors and use your turn signals to communicate with other drivers that you are slowing down to park. Once you have determined where you want to park, pull up parallel to the vehicle parked in front of your parking space. To practice safety distance, try to maintain your parallel position 2-3 feet away from the vehicle next to you.  

Tip : To make sure you are in parallel with the vehicle in front of you, check that your side mirror aligns with the vehicle’s side mirror. 

#2:  Reverse and Steer your Wheel Near the Curb

Now that you are in parallel with the vehicle next to you, your next step is to back up (reverse). Continue to check your side and rear view mirror watching out for passing traffic and pedestrians. As you back up, turn to look at the end corner of your side window. Begin turning in the direction of the curb when you see the back end of the vehicle on your side through your back side window.  


  • If you are parking on the left side, steer your wheel to the left 
  • If you are parking on the right side, steer your wheel to the right 

#3: Steer your Wheel Straight and Continue to Reverse

Be prepared to switch and steer your wheel straight after you see the full front view of the vehicle behind you through your side mirror. Continue to check your side and rearview mirrors as you adjust your position. You should stop steering straight once your side mirror covers the taillight of the vehicle in front of you. 

Tip : To ensure a safety position, make sure to stop when you are almost one foot (30 cm, or 12 inch) away from the curb, but not touching the curb. 

#4: Steer your Wheel Away from the Curb

When the side mirror furthest from you covers the taillight of the vehicle parked in front of you, steer your wheel in the opposite direction away from the curb. Check your rearview mirror to ensure you are in position, and not crashing into the vehicle behind you (This is why your parking space should be large enough to fit your vehicle and comes in handy when you have some extra space). Check your side mirror and stop turning when you see the car parallel to the curb through the mirror.


  • If you are parking on the left side, after Step 3, steer your wheel to the right 
  • If you are parking on the right side, after Step 3, steer your wheel to the left

#5: Straighten and Adjust into Final Parking Position 

Stop turning when you see the car parallel to the curb through the mirror and adjust your wheels one last time by straightening your steering wheel. If needed, move a little forward or backward in position between the two vehicles. Make sure your final parking position should be no more than 1 foot (30 cm) from the curb or too close to either the vehicle in front of or behind you. 

SOME MORE TIPS: To excel in parallel parking requires time and practice. Start practicing the 5 simple steps to parallel parking today so that in no time, you will master steering the wheels properly and paying close attention to your surroundings. Below are some more tips to help make your first out of your many parallel parking journeys safe and fun: 

  • Always look in your rearview mirror and side mirrors while you are parking to help you determine your final parking position.
  • Use your turn signals to communicate your intention to park and other movements to drivers and pedestrians on the road.
  • Be mindful of where you are going to park. While any open space along the curbs may be appropriate to park, there are a few exceptions on spaces you are not allowed to park in. Make sure your intended parking space should not be:
    • Within 15 feet in front of a fire hydrant
    • On the side of a parked vehicle
    • Next or near a construction site that would block traffic 
    • On a bridge or highway or tunnel
    • On a sidewalk or crosswalk 
    • In an intersection
    • A reserved parking space for people with disabilities, if you are not qualified for it 
  • Make sure you are not interfering with the traffic or bicyclists or pedestrians as you come out of your car. Get out from the other side of the car, if necessary.
  • Practice steering your wheels and checking your mirror to know where you are moving.
  • Keep it simple. Remember the steps in a simple manner to yourself: pull up in parallel, steer near curb, steer straight, steer away from curb, adjust to final position.  
  • Practice, practice, practice!

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