Turn Signals: Everything You Need to Know to Turn Safely

Whether you are a first time learner or an experienced driver, knowing how to turn safely is a must. Every year, a number of careless drivers find themselves in car crashes and accidents as a result of improper turns. It can happen. You try to make a simple turn, but it ends up too sudden and unexpected for the others causing confusions and consequences that put a mark on your overall driving experience. 

So we are here to help you! With everything you need to know to turn safely, you can improve your driving experience. Make your experience fun and safe as we help you become a better driver by mastering the way to make turns safely. 


The reason why we need to communicate because we cannot read people’s minds is the exact reason why drivers need to use turn signals because no other driver, but yourself, can read your mind to know your next move (If you think you can have a pass with turn signals, then you are putting yourself at risk to drive without a mind as you assume that your fellow drivers on the road can predict your turns).

Located on the sides (usually the left) of the steering wheel is a turn signal lever. A turn signal lever can be pushed or pulled to signal other drivers when and in what direction you are about to turn. By adjusting your turn signal lever to the appropriate setting when you are preparing to turn will allow the turn signals, located on the corner sides of your car (usually in amber or yellow light), to light up. With turn signals, you are communicating to other drivers without having them to guess your move. 

Tip #1: Communication is key means turn signal is key. 


Trying to communicate using turn signals can be tricky. Different vehicles may have different turn signal controls. However, in general, you can use the shortcut: U-L-D-R (Up-Left-Down-Right) to remember how to adjust your turn signal lever:

  • Pull the turn signal lever up (U) to signal other drivers that you are about to make a left turn (L) when you are approximately 100 feet/30 yards away from the intersection or approximately 900 feet/300 yards before an exit, lane change, or overtake on the highway.
  • Push the turn signal lever down (D) to signal other drivers that you are about to make a right turn (R) when you are approximately 100 feet/30 yards away from the intersection or approximately 900 feet/300 yards before an exit, lane change, or overtake on the highway.

Tip #2: Remember the turn signal shortcut: Push Down = Left Turn / Pull Up = Right Turn.


As mentioned earlier, it is best to signal a turn when you are approximately 100 feet/30 yards before an intersection, or 900 feet/300 yards on a highway. It can be tricky to determine the perfect timing to signal a turn, but we should know for sure when it would be too early or too late to communicate your move with the driver down the intersection or to your left or to your right. 

  • It would be TOO EARLY to activate your turn signal when you still have one or more blocks and alley before you actually turn. This can easily lead to confusion for other drivers resulting in accidents and cut offs. 
  • It would be TOO LATE to activate your turn signal at the moment you are completing your turn. If the drivers are not aware of your turn beforehand, this can easily lead to crashes and accidents. 

In addition, it is important that you use your turn signals whenever you can:

  • To make left/right turns at an intersection
  • To change lanes
  • To pull up next to the curb
  • To merge into or out of traffic (on highway or road)
  • To enter/exit a highway 
  • To make U-turns
  • To brake
  • To enter/exit a parking lot

Tip #3: Use turn signals at appropriate times and whenever you are making a transition to alert and communicate with other drivers on the road. 


Using your turn signals is the most effective way to communicate with other drivers and pedestrians to ensure a safe driving journey on the road. However, sometimes you may be in situations where your turn signals or brake lights may not work. Knowing hand signals to signal your turns is a great alternative at those times or just in general. 

Use the shortcut: O-L-U-R-D-S (Out-Left-Up-Right-Down-Slow) to help you remember the hand signals you should use when you are making your turns. 

  • Extend your arm outward (O) to signal a left turn (L)
  • Extend your arm upward (U) to signal a right turn (R) 
  • Extend your arm downward (D) to signal a slow down/stop (S)

Image by Jason Collins

Tip #4: Remember the hand signal shortcut: Arm Out = Left Turn / Arm Up = Right Turn / Arm Down = Slow Down or Stop.

NEXT STEPS: Making use of turn signals and knowing when to use them is crucial to ensure that other drivers know where you are going and how they should react. Here are some suggestions to help you master your turns safely the next time you are driving on the road:

  • Practice using your turn signal lever to familiarize yourself with your turn signals. 
  • Get yourself in the habit of using turn signals to reduce your chance of being at risk in car accidents and paying fees
  • When you are driving, look around and slow down at turns. 
  • Remember, driving is all about communicating on the roads. Communicate with your turn signals to make your driving experience on the road fun and safe. 

Start your driving journey today! For more information on driving lessons and courses, feel free to visit our website at https://www.ferraridrivingschool.com/

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