What You Should Know About Hazard Lights

Hazard lights, also known as emergency lights, are essential to ensure a safe driving journey. There will always be a time when you are in a case of urgency or in need to alert other drivers of your situation. During those times, hazard lights will come in handy.  

While hazard lights are a great way to attract attention, there are times when you should not use hazard lights. Misusing hazard lights can raise confusion on the road leading to unintended accidents. To make it clear when you should and should not use hazard lights, we will go over when is the right and wrong situations to use hazard lights. Read on to learn more about hazard lights! 

What are Hazard Lights? 

In simple words, hazard lights are a type of warning your vehicle gives to other drivers and passengers to alert them of the presence of an emergency. You can easily activate the hazard lights by pressing on the button with a red triangle located on your dashboard.  

When to Use Hazard Lights? 

There are several situations when you should use your hazard lights. 

#1 Getting Pulled Over by an Officer 

If a police officer signal you to pull over, you should obey their instructions. As you pull over, you should put on your hazard lights to demonstrate that you are complying with their request while indicating to other drivers to watch out as you slow down.  

#2 Your Vehicle Breaks Down  

If you encounter any trouble with your vehicle that may prohibit you from driving safely, it is a great idea to slow down and pull over safely. As you do so, turn on your hazard lights to signal your desire to move off the road. You want to make sure other drivers are aware of your presence, so they will not drive and interfere with your vehicle as you reach out for help.  

#3 Changing a Tire on the Road  

If you are in need to change a tire, turn on your hazard lights to inform other drivers of the situation as you stop on the side of the road. The flashing lights will be helpful especially during foggy weather and night times when it is hard to spot a stopped vehicle on the road.  

#4 Encountering a Car Accident  

If you get into a car accident, alert other drivers of the accident. If other drivers know, they can help you call for help and slow down when reaching the accident site.  

When NOT to Use Hazard Lights? 

In several situations, using hazard lights is not recommended. Make sure you know when not to use them.  

#1 Illegal or Parking in General  

A good rule to practice is to never turn on your hazard lights if you are parking illegally or in general. If you want to run to a store quickly, just find a parking spot in a designated parking area. You should not intend to turn on your hazard light at an illegal parking spot to inform other drivers that you will be back soon.  

#2 During Bad Weather 

During harsh weather, you will have a tough time reading the road. Do not use your hazard lights to help you get attention. Instead, use your turn signals when you are trying to change lanes or make a turn. If you really feel the need to use the hazard lights, then it should be done in cases where you want to inform your intention of pulling over to stop until the weather clears.  

#3 During Heavy Traffic  

If you are encountering heavy traffic, hazard lights can increase your visibility but fail to inform other drivers where you may want to go (if you plan to change lanes or make a turn). It is also not recommended because turn signals are disabled when hazard lights are turned on.  

#4 Exiting a Highway 

If you are in an emergency on the highway, it may sound reasonable to activate your hazard lights. However, when you do so, turn signals will be disabled and the consequence will confuse drivers and unwanted accidents.  

#5 Trying to Turn  

Do not use hazard lights as an alternative to turn signals. You will only be confusing other drivers with your intended move because both sides of the vehicle will flash when the hazard lights are turned on. If you want to signal a turn, just use your turn signals.         


Ideally, it is recommended that you try to avoid using your hazard lights. It is always a promising idea to check your vehicle before you start driving. This means inspecting your tires, looking under your hood, checking fluids and engine oil levels, and noticing any things that may be out of place ahead of your drive.  

By taking these preventive measures, you are ensuring that you do not have to use your hazard lights, which can limit confusion and unnecessary slowdowns for everyone.  

For more information, feel free to visit http://www.ferraridrivingschool.com/.  

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