The 9 Types of Motorcycles: Finding Your Right One 

You earned your motorcycle license and now you are ready to start your motorcycle journey. But wait, are you still looking for a motorcycle? There are several types of available motorcycles for you to choose from, each created for a different purpose and need. To help beginners like you look for the right motorcycle, we have created this guide to make things easier! Because there are many subcategories under each type or class of motorcycle. We will stick to the main types and give you a detailed overview of the basic types of motorcycles and their purposes and styles. 

13 Tips to Driving Safely: Motorcyclist Edition

When riding a motorcycle, it is always crucial to proceed with caution. While the high speed and the cool breeze make motorcycle riding fun and exciting, they are, nonetheless, a dangerous activity. According to iii (Insurance Information Institute), motorcycle crashes have resulted in over 5,000 deaths in 2019 and the numbers may be rising. For the many reasons why accidents happen, we want to offer you some tips to help you avoid future accidents. Motorcycles are fun to ride, but you must do it right to make sure that you can enjoy the fun and excitement. So, we are here to help! Follow our tips to get in the habit of driving safely. We want you to have fun, but we really want you to have fun safely. Read on and start practicing these tips as you continue your motorcycle journeys.  

The Complete Guide to Get a NY Motorcycle License 

While most people on the road are four-wheel drivers, two-wheel drivers are still popular. Whether you want to be a four-wheel or two-wheel driver, you will be required to go through a series of practice and training processes before you are legally qualified to drive. The process of getting a driver’s license for a motorcycle is quite similar, yet different from a driver’s license for a car vehicle. To help you prepare for your NY motorcycle license, we have prepared a brief, yet detailed overview of the process. Get started and prepare for your very first motorcycle license!