Approaching Emergency Vehicles: What Should You Do?  

As you are driving, there will be times when you come across emergency vehicles (ambulance, police car, etc.). According to the NY State’s Move Over Law, all drivers are required to slow down and move over, especially if an emergency vehicle is coming their way. The Move Over law should always be followed. And for beginner drivers on the road test, if you come across emergency vehicles, it is important that you stop, or else, 10 points on your road test or an automatic failure (depending on the state). We know it can be nerve-wracking for beginners to focus on their driving tasks while reacting to emergency vehicles during the road test. But we are here to help! We will break down the More Over law and show you the proper way to share the road with emergency vehicles in different situations. Read on to learn how to better prepare yourself the next time you come across emergency vehicles.